We inspire and guide children to love learning, to love one another, and to love the world around them.

2nd day of Gradual Opening

On this day we welcome all Preprimary students for their first full day of school, as well as all new Primary students.  All other students will return for their second day of school.
The purpose of Gradual Opening is to have as smooth as possible a transition for the children into the classroom. This year, all of our Primary classes will invite returning Primary students to come the first day of school (Tuesday, September 5, 2017, full day) and then all new Primary students, returning and new, the second day of school (Wednesday, September 6, 2017, full day). All students will then continue to come the rest of the week. (Note: half-day students will depart school at mid-day). In this way returning students reacquaint themselves with their classroom, refresh themselves with the classroom routines and receive lessons on familiar and new work. They are then ready to greet their new classmates and are prepared to be role models and teachers for the younger students. The younger students coming to school one day after the returning students will then be greeted and assisted by their older classmates prepared and ready to help them.