We inspire and guide children to love learning, to love one another, and to love the world around them.

Energy Conservation

MSNV strives to conserve energy wherever possible.
Saving energy. Our classrooms get so much natural light that most teachers rarely turn on all of the lights; lights are turned off when rooms are empty. Our thermostats are set to conserve energy as much as possible.

Conserving water.
 The school has installed low-flow aerators on all sinks and has replaced or converted most toilets to low-flush.

Using people power.
 MSNV encourages the use of rakes, hands, and elbow-grease at all work parties. Gas-powered tools are discouraged.

 MSNV enforces a school wide plan that reduces the number of cars coming to and from the school. We promote carpooling and the use of our shuttle bus for events and regular student transportation.

 MSNV purchased has 2 activity buses serving as student shuttles to pick up and drop off points, a special events shuttle and field trip transportation.